Sunday, October 26, 2014

when you look down

an airplane is flying through the shallow clouds as i write

when you are in a airplane, and look down, all you see are lines, grids, dots

we miss what is actually happening down there. you dont see the lives. the happiness, the sadness, the longing and disappointments, and you cant see the fears 

all you see are lines 
but people are more than a bunch of lines 

up in the air, you miss the lies being told

the hearts being broken
the tears running down his face
the child skipping through the sprinklers
the tears running down her face
the soup being slurped
the drilling of the dentist
the sunday night conversations
the boy never to return home, taken
the songs being sung around a fire
and the fights

and the girl alone in a crowd 

and the arguments over nothing
and the fears of a mom for her lost child


we fear the inevitable, and the unknown. but its deeper than that, we fear the restless dark nights when we cant fall asleep

the jeans we pull over our legs
and the way our legs look in them
and the yelling
our teachers
and if we are smart enough for it
and if our hair is greasy
and if we will live a successful life
 if we will get married
and our faces that have ten zits
or if our fathers will ever come home tonight
and how i will die
and when i will die
or worse, when you die
or even worse, when you leave me

or if our lives are just a puzzle, with missing pieces, impossible to fit together

 i dont know if it ever will now

as much as i try to block these voices out, they always come back.

never enough hours in a day

never enough hours to say goodbye 

there are never enough hours in a day for me to tell you how i feel

to tell you i love you, so much 

there are never enough hours in a day to cry it all out, all the pain and fears and disappointments

there are never enough hours for me to ever catch up in my homework 

there are never enough hours for me to encourage, serve, lift, save, create, dance, sing, laugh

i feel overwhelmed 

i wish i could slow down time

...but the clock keeps ticking 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

9 ways to see the world


why your my favorite place to be


the smell of deep pine and deserted campfires
the colors of your face make my heart skip a beat
I feel insignificant yet powerful standing under your towering walls
running through your trails makes me feel not only completely free but completely alive as your crisp breath runs through my lungs, pulling and pulling till I can no longer move.
 my legs are crying yet I feel nothing but pure joy adventuring through your trails
and then I stand still and take it all in, looking around me I see you for everything you are
a friend, a masterpiece, a place to get away from it all
I don't know what I would do without you during these times when all I need is to get away from everything for a while
that's why your my favorite place to be

Take bike ride and enjoy the fall foliage  Incentive Travel #incentive #travel
That feeling you get when you and your friends reach the top!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

 I traveled to an island in the middle of the pacific this past summer.
I was not a tourist.

I lived with the incredible people there for about three weeks
and I built a kindergarten
I got to really know their life stories and lived as they did.

their beautiful, bright, smiling faces and laughter left me knowing that there is a supreme creator of us all.

"All things denote there is a God"  
