Sunday, December 14, 2014

how could i forget

I remember painting with my fingers rather than a brush at three
I remember being four and wishing I could go to school already
I remember a squeaky swing set when I was five
I remember overalls and braided hair at six
 I remember crooked teeth at seven
 i remember when birthday wishes were for baby dolls when I was eight

I remember leap frog on the black pavement at nine
 I remember at ten looking in the mirror and being perfectly content with who stared back

I remember at age 11 burying my face into my moms arms at grandpas funeral. only because everyone else was crying and I wasn't. 
 I remember at twelve years old, watching my grandma die and hearing my dad say it was okay to leave.

I remember the first boy I liked, he had a crush on me in the eighth grade
 I remember sticking love notes in green lockers

I remember at fourteen taking sunday walks and stealing red apples off the trees.
 I remember you whispering "everything is going to be alright" and it was, everything was alright at fifteen

I remember at sixteen how my first kiss was gross and weird
and how my second kiss was even worse

 I remember intertwined fingers at seventeen and how I still get butterflies
I remember being seventeen and wishing I could be five again
I remember being seventeen and wishing I still painted with my fingers and played leap frog on the pavement and filled my baths with bubbles and was content with my face and still wore overalls.
 Im seventeen

I remember

             cause how could I forget

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