Sunday, September 28, 2014

the show must go on

the other day I caught myself laughing at something I didn't even think was funny. I just laughed cause everyone else was laughing and I thought then maybe I should.
I put on a show too much for the people around me.
 actors. we are all a little fake
cause sometimes its too hard to be who I really am. maybe that's just cause I don't really know exactly who I am yet.
its almost impossible not to put on some sort of act through high school. we each have the need to fit in. I admit it, I do.
but so do you
as does the cheerleader who hates cheerleading but does it cause its cool
 and the kid that started doing drugs, not cause he wanted to but he did it to fit in
 and the kids who cheat their way through every test
 or the "hipster"
 and the girl who has a million and two followers but not many friends
 and the kid who fakes a smile. inside you might be miserable. but its easier to smile then explain why your sad
don't worry I get it

ive been there
im pretty sure we all have...
we put on masks.  
 all of us are actors in this production of life. and sometimes im the biggest faker of all.



  1. its almost impossible not to put on some sort of act through high school. we each have the need to fit in.

    I feel exactly the same way, great post!

  2. I'm fake sometimes too.
